Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kimchi Fried Rice

This week for small group, we had a mini potluck and for awhile I couldn't decide on what to make because time was of the essence.  Thursdays are already tough for me, I usually have class then go straight to volunteering at UCIMC and then race back to rest/do hw/eat before I have to go to small groups.  So I wondered, should I just buy something quick and easy at the Albertson's near by and not have to worry???  but I knew in my head that I couldn't pass up an opportunity like this.  For one, I love to cook but two, the whole point of this blog was to make good home cookin' quick and easy for the busy college student.  So I challenged myself to try one of my more well-known recipes to make sure that it could be done by an exhausted, brain-cooked (pun intended :P), hungry student who wanted something quick yet tasty and incredible satisfying.  Thankfully, it was a successful endeavor and I made it to small group on time with piping hot Kimchi Fried Rice.  Please enjoy.  Cook.Eat.Love.Smile 

11.03.11: Kimchi Fried Rice
Photo Credit: Jenny Wu
Kimchi Fried Rice

3 cups (the one that comes with the rice cooker) of uncooked rice
2/3 - 1 lbs favorite kimchi with its juices
1/3 white onion
1 stalk of green onion
1 large glove of garlic
2 eggs
¼ cup of ketchup
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons of Siracha (optional)

1.     Cook the 3 cups of rice
2.     Finely dice the white onion. 
3.     Finely chop the entire green onion stalk
4.     Mince the garlic
5.     Cut the kimchi into small pieces (keep the juices) and place it back into the juices until cooking time. 

1.     Sauté onions until translucent and soft. 
2.     Add garlic and cook until fragrant
3.     Add the kimchi (without the juices) and cook with the onions and garlic until kimchi is warmed through. 
4.     Add the freshly 3 cups of cooked rice and combine so that the onions, garlic, and kimchi run through the mixture evenly.
5.     Add ketchup, honey, oyster sauce, sesame oil, and the kimchi juices and incorporate evenly
6.     Add both eggs in its entirety (do not scramble before hand) and incorporate into the rice. 
7.     Add the chopped green onion and Siracha (optional and to preference) and mix evenly.  

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