This dish was inspired by my tendency to be a romantic both in the heart and in the tummy. It was valentine's day almost two weeks ago and as a single college student, I was faced with the inevitable of not having plans while so many of my friends had plans with significant others and what not. So my roommates and I decided to open up our apartment to others in our Christian fellowship (AACF) who did not have any plans for the night for a night of some good food, good company, and watching a sappy movie. I had an excess amount of oil and pasta from the retreat (last post) so i decided to make chicken parmesan. And earlier in the day, as I was sitting in class trying to pay attention, my hopeless romantic side got hold of me and decided that in light of valentine's day I could try to make the chicken shaped as a heart. So that is precisely what I did, but this recipe is the same if you dont want hearts and just regular chicken breast filets instead; it will taste just as great. Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's day and may this recipe inspire you all to cook together or for your significant other. Please enjoy. Cook.Eat.Love.Smile.
02.14.12: Heart-shaped Chicken Parmesan |
Valentine’s Day Chicken Parmesan
2 large boneless/skinless whole chicken breasts
2.5-3 cups of vegetable oil
1 cup of Mozzarella cheese
1 cup of plain breadcrumbs
½ cup of flour
1 egg
2 tbsp of Parmesan cheese
1 tbsp of garlic powder
1 tbsp of parsley
1 tbsp of salt
1 tbsp of black pepper
1 tbsp of cream cheese
1 tbsp of honey
1 package of spaghetti
1 jar of favorite tomato sauce
1 can of diced tomatoes
1 garlic bread (optional, but in the picture)
Position the chicken breast so that the shorter
side (or middle of the heart) is towards your left and the longer side is
towards the right.
Take a sharp knife and carefully butterfly the
chicken breast in half, from right to left leaving the opposite side intact.
Unfold, and the shape should be a heart **This
takes some practice (videos on youtube could probably provide some more
information and tips)
Place the chicken breasts and salt/pepper in a
gallon freezer bag and make sure the chicken is evenly coated
Then, close the freezer bag and pound the
chicken breasts into about ¼- ½ in thick.
Let the chicken rest for a few minutes.
In the meantime, take the breadcrumbs, parmesan
cheese, parsley and mix well into a flat plate. Take the egg and whisk in a separate plate. Take the flour and place onto a
separate plate. Order the plates
so that 1st you coat the chicken breasts with flour, then egg, then
breadcrumb mixture
Also, place the oil in a large frying pan that
can withstand frying temperature
Take a large pot and boil water for the pasta,
and cook until desirable.
Meanwhile, take the flattened chicken breast and
coat it lightly with the flour.
Then coat the floured-chicken with egg. Then coat the chicken breast with the seasoned bread crumbs
Drop the chicken one breast at a time into the
hot oil and fry until golden brown.
Be careful and make sure to rotate the chicken so that it becomes evenly
golden brown and not burn on one side.
When the chicken is cooked through, place on a plate lined with a paper
towel to soak up the excess oil
Meanwhile, start heating a saucepan and add the
tomato sauce and diced tomatoes.
Then when the sauce comes to a boil, add the
honey and cream cheese and wait until everything is incorporated
Now that everything is cooked, take the chicken
and put half a cup of cheese on top of each and bake in an oven at 400 F just
to melt the cheese on top.
Plate to your own desire.